Types of coins that bring happiness: how to fill an amulet

An amulet to attract money is the most powerful spell that has the ability to give success and material prosperity to the owner of the coin.Coin amulet of chance to attract moneyThis is a spell from poverty known since ancient times. Thanks to magic rituals, you can make a money amulet from a coin.

Money Amulet Value

Amulet in the form of a coin is one of the most powerful magic tools used to solve financial problems. Like many talismans made of precious stones and minerals (stones), it brings good luck to the user.

The purpose of a magic coin is to provide material prosperity to its owner.

a coin amulet from poverty in his hand

The value of protecting the owner from external negativity (evil eye, damage) is also related to the value of the coin amulet. The magic of money will save you from diseases and dangers. The owner will repay his debts, grow his career and find a high-paying job. The beneficial effect of a magical gizmo belongs to the owner and his relatives.

Coin amulets must be made according to the rules. Otherwise, they will not have the strength. Religion does not like money talismans. Gives advice for prayer and symbols of faith, such as the pectoral cross.

How to make an amulet with your own hands

Mages advise to make a coin amulet and not to buy a ready-made talisman. It's easy to create a money spell. It is enough to read a conspiracy and follow the rules to hold the ceremony.

Among the magic coin creation tips, you can see the following:

  1. The ceremony is held in a good mood and health.
  2. Action requires solitude, silence, concentration.
  3. The ritual is performed at night, on the days of the waxing moon or full moon.
  4. The coin is placed on the window, on the red cloth.
  5. Before going to bed, they hide the talisman under the pillow, wishing to get rich.
  6. Holding the coin in your palm, it charges with its own energy.
  7. The amulet is hidden from others.

Select a coin

There are many types of shoots in the world. Coins are popular. Chinese amulets depicting gods decorated with runic symbols, royal banknotes are a special power. The amulet can be made of metal, regardless of size, denomination and material.

An old coin received as a gift is considered lucky. Ancient coins, especially those made of gold or other precious metals, have the strongest energy. An amulet attached to the wallet will help to fill it.

You can buy old banknotes from numismatist collectors to create a magic against poverty. It is advisable to hold the coin in your hand before taking it. There should be no negative feelings. The heat must come from something old. It is characteristic of strong energetic works. It is important to pay attention to what the attribute looks like, it should be liked. The ideal choice is an antique coin. Items made of silver or gold have great power. Amulets decorated with eagles are considered strong. The bird is a symbol of success and material prosperity. Something that is not honest will not bring happiness.

It's easy to make an amulet from coins with your own hands for good luck and money. It is enough to make a hole in something metal and hang a thread or chain around its neck. As a result, decoration is a powerful talisman that attracts cash flow. A damaged, crooked object can also be a talisman.

A randomly found banknote will be a talisman. The discovery should come to you in the days of the waxing moon. This is a fortune teller.

There are many banknotes in the world. Every nation is unique. Your country's coin will increase the wealth of others, not others. It is recommended to use it as a money talisman.

For a successful amulet, a coin must be chosen by everyone in the country

The most powerful amulet to enrich will be a coin:

  1. It is called immutable. This is money in the form of the first salary or profit from the work carried in the wallet. The higher the nominal, the stronger the amulet. It is preferable to have a local metal coin. The largest power has money in circulation until 1923. It is better if the sun rises on the amulet. The computational tools provided during the country's economic growth years are particularly powerful. They increase wealth.
  2. The coin is decorated with runes (Fehu's sign). Gives wealth and success to the owner in all matters. The talisman is worn around the neck, arm in the form of a bracelet or in a wallet. Wizards recommend wearing an amulet with Fehu sign on the objects used in the work (monitor, office furniture).
  3. Emperor. The power of the imperial amulet is known today. To create, you need to buy a coin from the pre-revolutionary period. The cost is quite high. It is important not to buy fake. In some families it is customary to inherit such imperial tulbuls. Their power grows with each generation. An important condition for the use of such a talisman is that no one but the owner can touch it. Otherwise, the power of the magic substance will be lost. Magic should not be touched by others and should be hidden from the eyes of others.

Cleaning and filling the amulet

An important step in creating a coin amulet is to clean and refill it. To clean a banknote at home, you need to read a certain conspiracy. People who practice magic know it. You can find a magical text by studying special literature or archival sources. The ritual of cleaning the fox is necessary to get rid of the influence of the energy of the people in their hands.

After clearing the spell, move on to the filling phase with the elements:

  1. su. Suitable for a reservoir of natural origin. Water from a river, river, lake is collected for food. It is dipped into a coin and hidden for three days in a dark place. Then the water is poured at the intersection.
  2. shooting. You need to catch the spell of money on a candle flame or adjust it three times.
  3. Earth. The coin is buried for three days. You can replace the soil with salt.
  4. Weather. The fox is placed where the wind blows.

The energy of the sun and the moon is used to fill and clean the fox. The coin should be placed on the window overnight. There must be a moon rising in the sky. The talisman is placed on the moonlight. Leave the magic accessory in the sun during the day.

You should get a green candle when you fill it with fox fire element. This shadow attracts material well-being. The wax drips onto the surface of the coin. The magic reads:

“I do not give to anyone, I do not lend, I do not change. Send me money, good luck. Fill my pocket to download. "

They hide in a bag and put it in their wallet. It should not be in contact with other money.

The amulet's existence is kept secret. If an attractive attribute is lost, it is replaced by a coin toss for material success. The amulet is taken from time to time and thanked for the good work.

Why does the charm of a professional work better

Handmade mascot has its advantages. The main advantage is that the owner of the coin is saturated with energy. Understands better what the owner expects. A self-made amulet will not have the strong energy and wisdom of the ancients.

It is better if an expert talks about a coin. A knowledgeable person has strong energy and does not make mistakes when performing a magical ceremony. It is better to seek help from witches and wizards who practice white magic.

After activating the amulet, one should not expect only blessings. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. The amulet will increase non-drying cash flow.

Coin-shaped amulets help to dramatically increase the material well-being of the owner. They will bring changes for the better. The talisman will protect against the intrigues of envious people and will bring happiness at the energy level. It is impossible to avoid the target by changing the destiny.